Evidence continues to mount that the government of Rwanda has been
harboring, supporting, and arming war criminals and mutineers, including
Bosco Ntaganda, in neighboring eastern Congo. Former rebels from the
Rwanda-linked National Congress for the Defense of the People, or CNDP,
and an affiliated offshoot group called the M23 movement are currently
in open rebellion against the government in Kinshasa and fighting the
Congolese national army, or FARDC. Further, recent documents leaked by
the United Nations Mission to Congo, or MONUSCO, as well as several
interviews conducted by Human Rights Watch and corroborated by the
Enough Project field team are pointing to the government of Rwanda
forcibly recruiting men and boys into the Rwandan army, or RDF, sending
them to fight as rebels for M23 in eastern Congo, and summarily
executing them if they prove too weak or try to escape.
Additionally, as part of its annual reporting process, the U.N. Group of Experts on Congo conducted an investigation into the allegations of Rwandan support to the M23 rebellion in Congo. In the process of briefing U.N. Security Council member states as part of the group’s interim report process, the results of this investigation were shared. Several U.N. diplomats as well as NGOs have confirmed that the investigation uncovered evidence of direct Rwandan involvement in the rebellion. Several sources also indicated that this group is best suited to continue investigation into the matter through the remainder of this year. Read more
Additionally, as part of its annual reporting process, the U.N. Group of Experts on Congo conducted an investigation into the allegations of Rwandan support to the M23 rebellion in Congo. In the process of briefing U.N. Security Council member states as part of the group’s interim report process, the results of this investigation were shared. Several U.N. diplomats as well as NGOs have confirmed that the investigation uncovered evidence of direct Rwandan involvement in the rebellion. Several sources also indicated that this group is best suited to continue investigation into the matter through the remainder of this year. Read more
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