Saturday, 10 December 2011

Recovery and Development Politics: Options for Sustainable Peacebuilding in Northern Uganda

This Discussion Paper addresses questions related to the causes, evolution and legacies of the prolonged war in Northern Uganda between the rebel LRA and government forces. It critically examines the Government of Uganda’s experience in drafting and implementing various plans for recovery and peacebuilding in Northern Uganda and proffers explanations for their limited success. It also analyses the threats posed by the continued marginalisation of Northern region and the persistence of poverty and underdevelopment relative to the more prosperous regions of the country. Of note is the concern about a possible regression into violent conflict and the breakdown of the fragile peace in Acholiland. The paper providesan alternative reading of the conflict and makes a compelling case for a radical paradigm of economic recovery, sustainable peace and development based on conflict-sensitive, inclusive, socially just and people-centred policies. It is essential reading for scholars, peace and security practitioners, activists and humanitarian and development workers with a keen interest in post-conflict reconstruction, reconciliation and peacebuilding in Africa. Read more

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