Friday, 19 February 2010

Negotiating Sudan’s Post-Referendum Arrangements

With Southern Sudan’s referendum on whether to remain part of Sudan or secede approaching,
it is vital that the international community encourage and support negotiations on postreferendum
arrangements, which include issues ranging from wealth sharing to citizenship
rights to security arrangements. Good coordination among the international community
will be essential.
• A single mediator with a clear and strong mandate should lead negotiations on postreferendum
arrangements, supported by a contact group or group of friends that can insert
targeted pressures and incentives into the process. The mediator needs to be strong enough
to prevent “forum shopping” and contain or co-opt spoilers.
• States and non-state actors that wish to play a central role in negotiations on post-referendum
arrangements should demonstrate a long term commitment to Sudan and to overseeing
implementation of any agreement.
• Negotiations on post-referendum arrangements and the ongoing negotiations on Darfur
should be kept separate.
Read more

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